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Mentoring Cell

The Mentorship at SIT is to support the mentees in academics, competency and personal level for their holistic development. This includes the role of mentor as observing, discussing, finding, suggesting and listening to the learnings and challenges experienced by the mentee. The challenges related to academics are bridged by the mentor by discussing with the related faculty colleagues, suggesting proper resources and the personal challenges are dealt with relevant solutions with help of Symbiosis Center of Emotional Wellbeing and other Psychologists. The structure of Mentoring Cell at SIT is as follows

Mentoring process:

  1. At the start of the academic year, the Chief Mentor will allocate the mentors for the First year.
  2. These mentors will be forwarded to the department from the second year where mentors from Applied Science department will be replaced by faculty of the department.
  3. Department faculty will be assigned as mentor-in- charge to the relevant classes during the first year.
  4. Chief Mentor will conduct a meeting at the start of the academic year to brief about the mentoring process.
  5. The Chief Mentor will conduct one or two meetings in a semester with all the mentors to monitor and review the mentoring.
  6. The Mentor in-charge will submit a monthly report of mentoring to their HoD as well as the Chief Mentor.
  7. Mentors are expected to meet their mentee weekly or at least once in two weeks and maintain record of the meeting.
  8. Every faculty mentor can assign two students (student mentors) to help them with mentoring. They can select the student mentors on their own keeping the Chief mentor in the loop.
  9. A student with active backlog should not be appointed as a student mentor.
  10. Chief Mentor will give a report of mentoring to the Deputy Director and Director as and when required.

Role of Mentor:

Mentoring is to support and encourage students to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be. To take care of student’s academic performance and to help them for their better career, mentors will interact with them frequently and try to solve their problems and encourage them to achieve their goals. Some senior student mentors will be there to assist faculty mentor for smooth mentoring.

  1. One faculty mentor will be assigned to a group of 20-25 mentees.
  2. 3 mentors will be assigned to a class/division.
  3. For first year, each class will have one or two mentor from the respective department and the other mentor will be from the Applied Science department.
  4. The mentor from the respective department will be the mentor in-charge of that class/division.
  5. This mentor in-charge will be with this class/division of students for the entire duration of 4 years.
  6. In second year, the Applied Science faculty will be replaced by faculty from the respective department.
  7. The assigned department faculty would continue as mentors with the class/division for rest of the 3 years.

Responsibilities of Mentor:

  1. During the first meeting with the mentees the mentors are expected to get complete personal details or confirm the existing details of the mentees.
  2. The mentee form is to get to be filled with signature and then is to be properly filed and kept for record.
  3. To discuss with each mentee in person and know about his strengths and weakness.
  4. An email should be sent to the parents within fortnight after the start of semester to verify the contact details of parents and establish the communication with them.
  5. Ensure that the parents received the login credentials of the web portal.
  6. Keep a track of the attendance, performance and discipline of the mentees.
  7. Regularly interact with the parents via email and inform the about the attendance, performance and discipline.
  8. Maintain the record of communication with the parents.
  9. Invite parents for face-to-face meeting once in a semester.
  10. Convey the record of faltered mentee to the HoD and Chief Mentor timely.
  11. Arrange for a meeting with parents of faltering mentees as per the need.
  12. Encourage the mentees to participate in various events of their interest and competency.